While I do not mean to downplay what you are saying -- you are all too right, white women experience this to a certain degree, too. I have traveled alone throughout the world (Europe, Africa, Asia) and when men see a woman traveling alone, men think we are just looking for sex. I fell asleep on a train in Mexico (my mother was in the bathroom or something) and I woke up with a man's hand up my skirt, on the top of my inner thigh.
To give you an idea of how white I am, the first time I went to Florida, I nearly caught on fire at the beach. Seriously, I could not sit on the beach. I can't tell you how many times men have assumed they could do whatever they wanted because to me. My (white) friend Sue was barred from a Hindu temple because, in their words, she was "too much of a slut."
White women are not always viewed as pure or chaste.
I learn something everytime I read your stuff so I hope this doesn't come across as anti. Your voice is incredibly important.